Sunday, May 2, 2010

Gonna have to face it I'm addicted to...

Hi, my name is David Briggs and I am addicted to (or are recovering from being addicted to) the following:
  • fly fishing;
  • harry potter;
  • mountain biking;
  • gym;
  • restoring a 1960s racing bike;
  • crossfit; and
  • nutrition/health research.
That's 10 years of hobbies there excluding bands, DJs, TV shows (I'm looking at you Sopranos) and a certain football club.

Is anyone else quite as obsessive when they find a new interest?


  1. I am addicted to:
    Giggling when people finish their sentences with "eh"
    McDonalds cinnamon melts (I pray these aren't available in Australia)
    And all the obvious ones I can't write down without sounding like a nerd.

  2. Here come the nerd obsessions...
    - Lego
    - Remote control cars (petrol then electric)
    - Remote control planes
    - Remote control helicopters
    - Biped robots
    Then we pretty much cycle through the obsessions every 2 years starting with the remote control stuff.
    Also, I may have left off some of the super geeky stuff...

  3. yeh I didn't know about fly fishing. Interesting.
    heres mine in order of age:

    -bike riding
    -fire twirling
    -arduinos/pulling things apart/haxing

    I think learning language counts now, as I do it everyday, all day, and as much as I find it horribly difficult, it is also fascinating. I aspire to learn more, once I have german sorted out.

  4. I'll scan a photo of me fly fishing when I am at home this weekend. It's a very impressive piece of accidental photography and proof that I did actually spend 2 years fly fishing pretty regularly. (well I guess it is really only proof that I went fly fishing once)

    I like that we've got quite different interests and yet all chose to study the same course at uni. Any non roboticists out there?
