Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The hidden pizza restaurant

was apparently about Yellow Pages... well I missed that. I thought it was about pizza and I even went to the website.

Anthill does a terrific job of explaining what a terrible marketing campaign this has been. And how ultimately anyone that ventures to the Yellow Pages will be disappointed by its woeful search performance.

For instance, I just searched for 'Pizza Restaurant' in my suburb. Most of the results were for surrounding suburbs and it failed to list the pizza shop that is a 5 minute walk up the street. I know the place is listed as when I searched for its full name yellowpages was able to find it. I have to admit Google didn't fare much better as all but one of its results were for suburbs even further away (the one it got right was quite close). I think Google's poor performance shows that the collaborative web only works when there are people. That's understandable though, I expect Google to struggle in my unique outer-northern Melbourne suburb. I don't expect the yellow pages to fail to even show the one result in my suburb. That's what people pay for!


  1. Google has me totally covered.
    They have Pangaea Pizza‎ which is just around the corner (which is shit if you order any type of meat), little caesers, and the Indian curry - pizza shop that makes the most dericious pizza I have had so far.

    Incoming wall of link!


  2. Google does indeed work well for you. It won't be long until you're back here though...

  3. Their menu was on the fridge and their number is saved in the phone!

  4. Haha, perhaps that's it. The yellow pages expect you to know and have a menu for your most local pizza shop. They're trying to get us to try different places.
